Radical Emancipatory
Policies of Human Liberation and Good
So in view of the “ crux “ of Indian problems [ a-e ] and the ‘ ideal ‘ and ‘ goal ‘ of our Constitution; how do we rank India in today’s scenario in relation with other countries [ & states ] of the world on various indices.
So in view of the “ crux “ of Indian problems [ a-e ] and the ‘ ideal ‘ and ‘ goal ‘ of our Constitution; how do we rank India in today’s scenario in relation with other countries [ & states ] of the world on various indices.
- Human development Index 136th rank
- Education for all Index 109th rank
- GNI Percapita Index 88thrank
- ( 35% Worlds MDP are Indian with 53.7% of its total population poor. 41.8 % earn only 1.25$ a day and 75.6 % 2$. )
- Gender Equality Index 129th rank
- Global Hunger Index 94th rank
- Doing Business 134th rank
- Illicit financial Index 3rd rank
- ( 5.27 Lckh Crores are IFF out of India every year)
- Global Peace Index 143rd rank
- Yale Environmental 174th rank
- Inclusive Wealth Index 12th rank
Inclusive Wealth Percapita Index.112th rank
i) Human capital 8th
Capital Percapita 101st rank
ii) Produced Capital 10th
Capital Percapita 97th rank
Iii) Natural Capital 7th
Capital Percapita 101st
( reference : UNDP, UNU-IHDP & UNEP,
UNESCO, WB, GFI Reports )
all the above indicators suggest that we as second populous Nation and 3rd
in GDP, lack in ‘humane social development’ pathetically. So the policy framing
has to focus on abolishing these problems of Indian society and nation. That is
, we must formulate such policies that result in removing the above problems
created due to brahamnism = caste & caste capitalism + adharma , realize a “ human democratic society “ and an
“ egalitarian, human & enlightened India “ which is prosperous , peaceful
& powerful.
The present
‘ brahmanical status quoist policies ‘ of ‘private good’ which maintain the ‘caste
based socio-economic inequalities’ under brahamnical social order ( bso ) with
the slogan of ‘sabka sath , sabka vikas‘ is the biggest farce of brahmanism. It
is in reality ‘ sabka sath ( votes ) , kuch ka vikas ( of b3s )’.
the ‘ NITI’ Ayog as headed by PM, Modi and economist Panagriya achieve the
trinity of “ social, human and economic development “ is the biggest question.
Lets hope so....
we are not to much ‘ optmistic’ because we are ‘realistic’ about Hindutva= brahmanism
– Humanism. Hindutva with development will result only in caste & caste
capitalism + mental slavery of adharma = brahmanism; nothing else. Only ‘ Ambedkarism’ and ‘ Policy of
Ambedkarism’ can do so. The creation of Bharat[Rashtra] is possible by them. We
shall come up with “Policy of Ambedkarism” as solution to the problems and
Enlightened India.
Vijay Mankar
National Organiser
National Organiser
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