Monday, January 19, 2015

Radical Emancipatory Policies of Human Liberation and Good or “Policy of Ambedkarism”.... ( Series-III )

Radical Emancipatory Policies of Human Liberation and Good
“Policy of Ambedkarism”....   ( Series-III )

The “Policy of Ambedkarism( POA)” are enacted and adopted in ‘Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Plan of Individual, Society, State and Nation [ DAPIS2N]’ which is Part-II of ‘ National Plan To succeed In Ambedkarism [NPTSIA]’. They together are the ‘Constitution of Movement of Humanism based on Ambedkarism’. DAPIS2N or DAP is also the ‘ Policy Doucument’ of Ambedkarite Party of India(API), which is a wing of ‘Sangh’ AIMBSCS and a truly Constitutional, Democratic, Humanitarian Revolutionary Party of India.

API is the 1st party in the history of country to declare its policies even before its formation. These policies as proclaimed “POA” in DAP;
Upholds, Individual, Dignity, Humanbeing which is equal, inalienable, indivisible & inviolable;
Recognizes, an ‘Ideal Society’ based on E-L-F-J i.e a humane democratic society;
Guarantees, a welfare/developmental state based on Constitution of India and HRs;
Builds up, an Enlightened India or Pra Buddha Rashtra, which is just, moral, human & enlightened.

All the above are based on
Ambedkarism= Humanism=Dhamma
Ambedkarism is a ‘revolutionary ideology of humanism’ of ‘reconstruction of world [ both mental & material ]’. It is a ‘universal Ideology’ and offers solutions to all aspects of humanlife i.e. social, cultural, religious, economic & political. It is a Living Ideology, a Living Movement! It can be formulated as :
Ambedkarism= E+L+F+J+Dhamma.
Ambedkarism is not only an Ideology!
Ambedkarism is not only a Philosophy, but
Ambedkarism is also a Policy of Humanlife!
Thus ‘ Policy of Ambedkarism’ as declared by DAP are very vast. A short introduction of which is uploaded on the web site of API
However we shall continue to discuss the ‘gist’ of them in this series for the enlightenment of our ‘social media’, colleagues &  friends.
To formulate:
Policy of Ambedkarism = Constitutional Democracy + FRS/HRs+ Reservation / AA +Special Protection + Equality Opportunity Measures + Welfare State/Developmental State + Ambedkarite Economy + Individual / Common /Public/ Universal Good + Humanism
A detail exploration of the ‘POA’ shall be propounded in the forthcoming posts. Hope you become part of this ‘ Ambedkarite Enlightment’ for an ‘ Ambedkarite Revolution’, in our life time.
Please be permanent partner on Facebook, Whats App, Twitter and other ‘social media’ endeavour of ‘Sangh’.

Vijay Mankar
National Organiser

Monday, January 12, 2015

Radical Emancipatory Policies of Human Liberation and Good ( Seies-II)

Radical Emancipatory Policies of Human Liberation and Good
So in view of the “ crux “ of Indian problems [ a-e ] and the ‘ ideal ‘ and ‘ goal ‘ of our Constitution; how do we rank India in today’s scenario in relation with other countries [ & states ] of the world on various indices.
  • Human development Index            136th rank
  • Education for all Index                   109th rank
  • GNI Percapita Index                       88thrank
  • ( 35% Worlds MDP are Indian with 53.7% of its total population poor. 41.8 % earn only 1.25$ a day and 75.6 % 2$. )
  • Gender Equality Index                   129th  rank
  • Global Hunger Index                      94th   rank
  • Doing Business                              134th  rank
  • Illicit financial Index                     3rd      rank  
  • ( 5.27 Lckh Crores are IFF out of India every year)
  • Global Peace Index                       143rd rank
  • Yale Environmental                      174th rank
  • Inclusive Wealth Index                 12th   rank
Inclusive Wealth Percapita Index.112th  rank
i) Human capital                            8th    rank
                    Human Capital Percapita      101st  rank
                ii) Produced Capital                  10th rank
                     Produced Capital Percapita  97th rank
                Iii) Natural Capital                      7th rank
                      Natural Capital Percapita   101st rank
                                        ( reference : UNDP, UNU-IHDP & UNEP, UNESCO, WB, GFI Reports )
So all the above indicators suggest that we as second populous Nation and 3rd in GDP, lack in ‘humane social development’ pathetically. So the policy framing has to focus on abolishing these problems of Indian society and nation. That is , we must formulate such policies that result in removing the above problems created due to brahamnism = caste & caste capitalism + adharma ,  realize a “ human democratic society “ and an “ egalitarian, human & enlightened India “ which is prosperous , peaceful & powerful.
The present ‘ brahmanical status quoist policies ‘ of ‘private good’ which maintain the ‘caste based socio-economic inequalities’ under brahamnical social order ( bso ) with the slogan of ‘sabka sath , sabka vikas‘ is the biggest farce of brahmanism. It is in reality ‘ sabka sath ( votes ) , kuch ka vikas ( of b3s )’.
Will the ‘ NITI’ Ayog as headed by PM, Modi and economist Panagriya achieve the trinity of “ social, human and economic development “ is the biggest question. Lets hope so....
But we are not to much ‘ optmistic’ because we are ‘realistic’ about Hindutva= brahmanism – Humanism. Hindutva with development will result only in caste & caste capitalism + mental slavery of adharma = brahmanism; nothing else.  Only ‘ Ambedkarism’ and ‘ Policy of Ambedkarism’ can do so. The creation of Bharat[Rashtra] is possible by them. We shall come up with “Policy of Ambedkarism” as solution to the problems and Enlightened India.
Vijay  Mankar   
National Organiser


Radical Emancipatory Policies of Human Liberation and Good ( Series-I)

Radical Emancipatory Policies of Human Liberation and Good
To understand policies we have to reflect upon (i) the ' ideal ' and 'goal' of our constitution, and ( ii ) the crux problem - social, economical and political.
" The constitution of India " [ and Human Rights therein ] which is supreme & fundamental document of our nation enshrines the ' golden principle ' of Equality -Liberty-Fraternity & Justice [ E-L-F-J] in its ' Preamble '. Similarly it guaranteed right to life [ Article 21-23 ] , right to equality [ Article 14-18 ] and right to liberty [ Articel 19-20 , 25-30] in Part-III ' Fundamental Rights '. It also guarantees us a ' Welfare State ' in Part IV.
All the above are provided with Parliamentary Democracy; Reservation for SCs, STs, OBCs & special protection to STs [ Articles 16(4)(5), 15(4)(5),330,332,335,244,244A ( V& VI Schedule ), 275(1), 338,338A,339,340,341,342,366(24)(25) ]; Independence of Judiciary, CAG & CEC and flexible Federalism ( Centre- State relations ).
The " crux " of Indian problems are :
(a) caste based socio-economic inequalities ;
(b) growth with social & human development ( i.e. achieving the trinity of social , economic & human development );
(c) poverty and inflation;
(d) high level of standard of living in consonance with a civilized Life and sustainable development which is environment friendly and durable for future generation; and
(e) non-representative Parliamentary Democracy due to the demerits of electoral system.
All the above are the products of exclusion and discrimination by Society [ caste, ethnicity, religion & sex ], State [ Government, Bureaucracy & Judiciary ] and Market.
The " mother " of all these problem is brahamanism which can be understood as:
brahamanism = caste & caste capitalism
There are sufficient studies right from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar to Amartya sen to substantiate the above.
In context of this we are required to think about the " type of policy " that can solve the problem and realize the 'ideals' of E+L+F+J+Humanism=Ambedkarism

Vijay Mankar
 National Organiser