Tuesday, October 23, 2012

American Presidential Elections - 2012 Barrack Obama To Win..An Ambedkarian Forecast.

American Presidential Elections - 2012 not Between to 'Personalities' But 'Policies' of Political Economy. Principle of An Unbridled Market or State Intervention will Decide Both the Next US President and the 'New Globalization' in Making. Barrack Obama To Win For His Right Principles & Policies Akin To Ambedkarism - An Ambedkarian  Forecast.
President Barrack Obama may win the elections Scheduled in Nov. 2012 for his principles & policies of Dewey & Ambedkar. But He must remain assertive & affirmative on racial discrimination and its redressal while doing justice to all, to avoid Wroth of Black Voters.
Libertarian Republican's have already 'lost' in 2007 crisis of laissez-faire Economy. Ambedkarism the way ahead beyond globalization...

            The forthcoming Presidential elections to be contested in November 2012 between Democratic Candidate Barrack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney will decide the course of not just the career of reigning President but what type of a 'political economy & world order', America will pursue. To Me Barrack Obama is all set to win the elections, for He is on the right side of Human history which has not 'ended'; but only for Fukyama. This is a 'forecast' I am making well in advance before Nov. 2012. For the first time I had said so on 5th July 2012, in Jalna (Maharashtra, India) during a public function and written in Bahujan Vision (Hindi), Aug-Sept. 2012. My forecast is [not] based on any surveys or opinion polls due to couple of important reasons, which I can certainly make as I have authored book 'Ambedkarism in the era of globalization and beyond...' (2011, Blue World Series, Nagpur, India, ISBN 978-81-907085-3-1).
                The first and foremost is that Obama has started adopting the policies of 'welfare state/social state' acknowledging the fact that the 'market' on its own, cannot convert the 'growth' into 'equity, equality & justice'. The State has to play both the 'allocative & distributive' functions of economy for development & welfare of all; that the market cannot. It can at best play the allocative function and not the distributive one. The 'new economic theories' pioneered by Romer & Lucas and the Human Development Report 2010 of UNDP in its conclusion of 2 decades of human development has arrived at the same inference. The 'Affordable Care Act'  is the best example of this thinking. The important agenda that Obama wants to pursue is a major progressive tax restructuring, educational policy, economic & employment policy for translating 'growth' in 'equity, equality & justice'. Though Obama is all set to win but the only reason which may be responsible for his defeat is the rejection of Black voters themselves for his 'reformative' [& not radical, emancipatory] stand on "racial discrimination" affecting the 'dignity & development' of African-Americans. He has already been severely criticised intensely for the same as 'mascot of white wall street' but Michel's 'Black Identity' may save Barrack from the wrath of Black Panthers.
                Second, the libertarian Republicans,  [unlike the Republicans, of Republican Party formed by Dr. Ambedkar] have already lost in 2007 with the beginning of financial crisis from Lehman Brothers and the whole laissez-faire economic model of capitalism. 'Globalization' initiated by Regan & Thatcher in 1978 with its 'pro-market and anti-state philosophy' and 'private, good; public bad' has already completed its life in 2007 and Romney cannot win the American Presidential election on the slogan of 'prosperity & power' alone. He is bound to be rejected by the American People.
                The last but the most important aspect is the 'making' of 'American mind' itself. It is slowly but steadily changing from 'survival of the fittest' of Social Darwinism and  evangelism supported libertarianism; narcrisstic liberalism, 'neo-liberalism and 'not truth, no solution' of post-modernism to 'enlightenment, equality & humanism' of Dewey, Pierre, W. James, Lydon Johnson, DuBios, Martin Luther King and of course Amratya Sen, John Rawls & Thomas Nagel 'justice' and Human Agenda. All this will lead to a New American Society & new globalization.
                 But America will require an "Ambedkrian enlightenment" for coming out of undesirable 'mindset' for a New World & New Human Order. Will Obama know more of Dr. Ambedkar from Elineor Zelliot, Christopher Queen & others for this 'Ambedkarian Enlightenment'. Only time will tell. But Best Wishes To Obama ! 

                                                                                              Vijay Mankar,
                                                                                                   National Organiser, AIMBSCS

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