Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy 26th Nov. “ Constitution Day “ , National Celebrations

Happy 26th Nov. “ Constitution Day “ , National Celebrations

We the People ! For What?

We the People of India, are with a ‘ solemn resolve ‘

Constitute India into a
Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic
to ‘Secure to all its citizens:

Justice, Social, economic and political;
Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
Equality of status and opportunity; and
Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and
the [ unity and integrity of the Nation ].

Our “Constitution of India “is wonderful & Living document. It is the “life-blood” of our Nation. It enshrines the;
Principle of - Equality, Liberty, Fraternity & Justice.
Value of - Dignity of Individual i.e. Human Rights.
Unit - Individual is the Unit, not village or class.
Ideal - One man one value in all walks of Life ( GN )
Goal of - Social & Economic Revolution based on Socio-Economic Justice.
Resolve to - Constitute India into a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular,Democratic, Republic.
System - Parliament Democracy, Unitary State with Federalism
based on Republican Principles.
Objectives - One United Nation which is Just, Moral , Human & Enlightened World.
Vision of - Enlightened India guiding Enlightened World.

Let us all we the People of India cherish the above ‘ ideals’ laid down by our ‘Greatest Constitution of the World’ and ‘strive’ to realize all the above.
Only by doing so we can make our Democracy , Dignity, Development and Independence real and meaningful.
Let us all salute all the founding framers of our Constitution and in particular ‘ The Father of Constitutional India – Dr.B.R.Ambedkar’.

Long Live The Constitution!
Long Live The People of India!!

Vijay Mankar,
National Organiser

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