Wednesday, December 28, 2011

National Celebration of

1st Jan. - Education Day & Vijay Diwas

3rd Jan. - Teachers Day ( Gyanjyoti, Krantijyoti Savitribai Phooley Jayanti )

AIMBSCS has decided to celebrate 1st January as “ Education Day “ because it was on this day in 1848CE that Mahatma Phooley started Education Movement for imparting Education to all. Till 1st Jan 1848 there was only ‘ class education’ in India due to injunction & penal provisions of the shruti & smritis, which permitted only traivarniks learning and denied the shudras & varnabahays ( dalits,Tribals, DT/NTs ) education and holding offices of power. Thus the (a) dharmasahstras ensured complete ‘slavery’ of the shudras & varnabahays.

To abolish this inhuman & unjust slavery of the varnashram dharma Mahatma Jyotiba Phooley open 1st school for Shudra, Atishudra in Bhidewada, Pune, India. Thus started the movement of Education to all. Phooleys effort for ‘mass education’ became the pioneering steps of social revolution against the brahmnical social order (bso).

Not only He imparted ‘mass education’ but also Education to women. Thus Savitribai Phooley after completing her education took on the mission of Education to all and became the 1st lady teacher of Modern India. Not only so she also became the 1st Lady Principle and is perhaps the 1st women in Public life. Thus began the ‘Gender Movement’ of modern India.

We emphatically think that she is an ‘ideal teacher’ of India not only being 1st Women Teacher but also the 1st who is pioneer of Mass Education or Education To All. Thus the Sangh [ AIMBSCS] has declared 3rd Jan. As “ Teachers Day”.

It is also pertinent to note here that on 1st Jan 1818CE 500 Mahar soldiers[1 Mang also] fighting on behalf of British Army defeated an 25000 strong army of peshwas who ended Maratha rule of Shivaji’s ancestors and governed on the basis of varnashram dharma making both shudra & untouchable suffer under this inhuman, unjust, exploitative system of caste & untouchability. The Mahar soldiers heroically battled with sense of Justice & freedom and paved way for the struggle of ‘Modern India’ by putting end to the orthodox & unjust Peshwa rule. Thus we observe 1st Jan as ‘Vijay Diwas’- salutes to these soldiers of Equality & freedom.

History is proof to the fact that after the defeat of the brahmnical peshwas, the so called brahmins never constructed any foul (a) dharmashastra and Balambhati is the last scripture written during the same period of defeat. None after that.

Please join these National celebrations of Education Day, Teachers Day & Vijay Diwas at Amravati on 1st Jan 2012CE (Buddha Dhamma Prachar samati Ground, Bhimtekadi, Maharashtra)

Happy New Year! Happy Education Day! Happy Vijay Diwas! Happy Teachers Day!

JaiBhim! JaiPraBuddha Bharat !! Jai PraBuddha World!!!

Vijay Mankar

National Organiser


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Let us Pay Deepest Homage to Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar on 6th Dec. ‘ Mahaparnirvan Day ‘ !

Let us Pay Deepest Homage to Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar on 6th Dec. ‘ Mahaparnirvan Day ‘ !

Let us “Resolve” to succeed in Ambedkarism !!

It was on 6th Dec.1956 ce that the ‘Greatest Humanitarian Revolutionary of the World’, ‘Father of Constitutional India’ Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar demised in Delhi. Ever since then 6th Dec. is observed as ‘Mahaparnirvan Day’ by his followers and around 1.5 million people gather at Chaityabhoomi, Dadar,Mumbai where his last remains are preserved.

First of all we pay our deepest Homage to Mahamanav Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar. His demise was a great loss for our nation as another decade of Dr.Ambedkar’s presence could have annihilated the Indian caste system into an ‘ideal society’ based on Equality-Liberty-Fraternity; made the Bahujans ‘Ruling Class’; created an ‘Enlightened India’ and made our country truly humanistic, modern, progressive & powerful nation much higher in world ranking on all fronts than what it is at present today.

His 65 years of yeoman service for the cause of the plight of insulted & oppressed communities [ Dalits,Adivasis, Backwards ] and our motherland ‘Bharat’ is unparalled in the history of India and the world. It is only due to this ‘ Greatest Humanitarian Revoloutionary of the World’ that the Bahujans are liberated and India is also liberated from the shackles of anti-democratic, anti-human vedic-brahmanic customary & penal laws. She is now a ‘Democratic India’, a ‘Constitutional India’ that never existed in her civilisational history . The world is also going to be liberated by “Ambedkarism’ the ‘new revolutionary ideology of humanism’. An ‘Enlightened World’ which is just, humane, moral & enlightened can be created only by Ambedkarism.

Here I am recalled of a message send by U.N. Secretary-General [ and also a Columbia alumnus ] to the function of inauguration of a ‘bronze bust’ at Columbia University on 24th Oct 1995. Boutros Boutros- Ghali said “ Ambedkar personified many of the qualities of the spirit , mind and heart which animate the ideals and work of the United Nations. He was a fervent believer and example of innate right of human beings to aspirations and the means to their fulfilment”.

This is not only true but I say that only by “Ambedkarism” Human Rights can be made real & meaningful. Not only so the suffering of the world can be abolished only by Ambedkarism = Equality+Liberty+Fraternity+Justice+Dhamma.

Our ‘Beloved Babasaheb’ lives by the philosophy of Human Liberation –Ambedkarism amidst us even today. Only by succeeding in Ambedkarism can we end the sufferings of Bahujan Samaj, create ‘PraBuddha Bharat’ and pave way for a ‘PraBuddha World’.

Lets us “Resolve” to succeed in Ambedkarism. This will be a true tribute to this Greatest Man of World, an ‘ideal’ of World humanity on 6th Dec. ‘Mahaparinirvan Day’.

JaiBhim! JaiPraBuddha Bharat !! Jai PraBuddha World!!!

Vijay Mankar

National Organiser


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy 26th Nov. “ Constitution Day “ , National Celebrations

Happy 26th Nov. “ Constitution Day “ , National Celebrations

We the People ! For What?

We the People of India, are with a ‘ solemn resolve ‘

Constitute India into a
Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic
to ‘Secure to all its citizens:

Justice, Social, economic and political;
Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
Equality of status and opportunity; and
Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and
the [ unity and integrity of the Nation ].

Our “Constitution of India “is wonderful & Living document. It is the “life-blood” of our Nation. It enshrines the;
Principle of - Equality, Liberty, Fraternity & Justice.
Value of - Dignity of Individual i.e. Human Rights.
Unit - Individual is the Unit, not village or class.
Ideal - One man one value in all walks of Life ( GN )
Goal of - Social & Economic Revolution based on Socio-Economic Justice.
Resolve to - Constitute India into a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular,Democratic, Republic.
System - Parliament Democracy, Unitary State with Federalism
based on Republican Principles.
Objectives - One United Nation which is Just, Moral , Human & Enlightened World.
Vision of - Enlightened India guiding Enlightened World.

Let us all we the People of India cherish the above ‘ ideals’ laid down by our ‘Greatest Constitution of the World’ and ‘strive’ to realize all the above.
Only by doing so we can make our Democracy , Dignity, Development and Independence real and meaningful.
Let us all salute all the founding framers of our Constitution and in particular ‘ The Father of Constitutional India – Dr.B.R.Ambedkar’.

Long Live The Constitution!
Long Live The People of India!!

Vijay Mankar,
National Organiser

( Follow AIMBSCS on Facebook by user name- AIMBSCS PraBuddha Bharat

Monday, August 29, 2011

Caste Census “must” for Socio-economic Planning for SC,ST,DT/NT,OBC,RMs in 12th Five year Plan…

In the month of May 2011 the UPA Govt. lead by Congress has committed in the Parliament for conducting a separate Caste Census of all the communities of India. The Census was suppose to be started from June. But it seems that the UPA Govt. is not keeping its commitment laid in even the highest institution of the nation – our Parliament. It is learnt by various RTI, made by AIMBSCS Organisers that the Caste census is not conducted by the ‘ Registrar General & Census Commissioner of India ‘ under Census Act, 1948. Also the various ‘socio-economic indicators’ pertaining to education, health, housing, employment, income, ownership, entrepreneurship and social security; though likely to be collected now due to the efforts made by sangh [ AIMBSCS ] by a writ petition in Supreme Court of India ( WP No. 56/2011 ) and RTI’s to various Ministers of GOI will be of no authentic use if ‘ head count method’ is not adopted for 120 cr+ population.

The Rural Development & Urban Development Ministers of GOI are largely implementing this ‘caste census’as of now. It is not yet clear; whether it is a ‘head count method’ or just a ‘sample survey’.

The brahmanical forces just want to bypass the caste census, so the ‘caste discrimination’ and socio-economic inequalities, based on caste & religion do not come to picture before the world.

The media managed protests against ‘corruption’ are one of the weapons that have been used for forcing a Jan(virodhi)Lokpal as a ‘super agency’ to subvert Constitution & Parliamentary Democracy. Those who claim to fight against ‘ corruption’ have unabashedly remain silent on ‘caste’ in the name of ‘We the People’; conveniently forgetting that the “solemn resolve by We the People is to constitute India into a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic; and to “secure to all its citizens” Justice ( social, economic and political ), Liberty, Equality ( of status and opportunity ), Fraternity ( dignity of individual and unity and integrity of the Nation ).

Caste is the ‘crux of all problems of India’ including corruption. The lack of feeling of ‘fraternity’ and denial of equality & justice for caste supremacy is antithetical for the formation of ‘society’. Thus People in power and with opportunity do not feel one with fellow brethrens, and exploit them leading to rampant corruption. ‘Structural inequalities’ of caste system along with multi-dimensional factors of Governance also perpetuate this ill which must be eradicated by multiple measures.

It has become absolutely necessary for achieving the objectives proclaimed by our Constitution to ‘annihilate the caste’ as Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar envisioned. For ending the ‘structural inequalities’ of caste system between backwards ( Dalits, Tribals, OBCs,Muslims & Other RMs) & forwords ( so-called b3s) we require ‘special policies & planning for structural change ‘ in siksha, sashan, & samaptti which Dr.Ambedkar stated. This will require ‘qualified data’ by caste census, nothing less would suffice.

All the Bahujans of India must pay attention towards this vital aspect before it is too late. Let the MPs of SC,ST,OBC & RMs realize this fact and not be swayed away by divertive tactics of JanLokpal or other issue to be raised in months to come.

We can always present our views to ‘Standing Committee ‘ on Lokpal, as to how it can be within the ambit of the Constitution and be a just & representative body with “reservation” for SC, ST & OBC.

Sangh [ AIMBSCS ] is taking care of this and other laws on Judicial accountability etc by its institution PCDHR. Let us focus on the issue of ‘caste census’ before the finalisation of draft 12th Five year plan to be implemented from April 2012.

Also significant is to succeed in Ambedkarism by making it as the ‘guiding force’ and ‘driving force’ of Bahujan Movement .

AIMBSCS is working to make it successful in planned, time-bounded and guaranteed way under the ‘National Plan To Succeed In Ambedkarism’. Be a responsible Person in this Great & Noble task for the creation of a PraBuddha Bharat which is just, moral, humane & enlightened!

Jai Bhim! Jai Phooley!! Jai PraBuddha Bharat!!!

National Organiser